Tuition and Fees 2024-2025
Tuition rates for the following school year are announced in January.
Tuition: $8000
Book and Supply Fee: $650
Continuous Enrollment Fee: $200
Option 1–Annual Payment
- Book fee due in July
- Full tuition and continuous enrollment fee due in August
Option 2–Semester Payments
- Book fee due in July
- Half of tuition and enrollment fee due in August
- Half of tuition and enrollment fee due in January
Option 3–Monthly Payments
- Book fee due in July
- Monthly tuition payment due every month from August-May (New students: If payments begin after August due to timing of enrollment, monthly payment amounts will increase to reflect the shorter payment period, so that tuition will be paid in full by May 20. If the school year has started, one month’s tuition must be paid in advance.)
These add-on services are not covered by tuition, but can be wrapped into the monthly tuition statement.
In-service Days
Hours: 6:30am-6:00 pm on days that we are out of school for teacher in-service days. 11:30am-6:00pm on half-day in-service days.
Cost: $600/year
Morning Extended Care
Hours: School days from 6:30am-7:45am
Cost: $1000/year
Full-time Extended Care (includes mornings, afternoons, and in-services days)
Hours: mornings from 6:30am-7:45am, afternoons from 3:00pm-6:00pm, in-service days from 6:30am-6:00pm
Cost: $2200/year
Drop-in Care
Available on any regular school day that you need to drop off before 7:45am or are unable to pick up your child by 3:00pm.
Cost: $10/morning, $15/afternoon
Yearly Lunch Plan
Pay up-front for lunch for the entire school year. The student will receive one lunch every school day and will not have to order weekly.
Cost: $850/year
Daily Lunch Purchase
Ordering lunch for students not on the annual lunch plan will be managed through a third-party service provider, MyHotLunchBox. Parents can order up until 1:00 p.m. the day before. Students will pay upfront for the meal when ordering, and the vendors will deliver the food labeled with the student’s name at lunchtime.
E-books of our textbooks are available in many subjects. High school students receive e-books as part of their book fees. Elementary, intermediate, and middle school students have the option to purchase e-books if the parents feel they would be beneficial to the student.
Cost: $100/year
An athletic participation for middle school and high school students will be billed after tryouts are complete and the rosters have been set each season.
Cost: $75/student per sport, ($150/student for football)
Multiple Student Discount:
Second Student: 15%
Third and Subsequent Students: 30%
WCS Financial Assistance
Let’s make this work! Wayne Christian School is thankful to provide tuition assistance to families who provide documentation of their financial need. By offering tuition assistance, Christian education becomes affordable for more families who desire a partnership with us. Factors including income, assets, family circumstances, and financial obligations are considered and reviewed by a third-party company, FACTS Grant & Aid. After FACTS provides their recommendation for each family in the applicant pool, the WCS Tuition Assistance Team makes a final award decision. Apply at
NC Opportunity Scholarship
The Opportunity Scholarship is a state-funded grant program that helps families pay tuition at participating nonpublic (private) schools. Grants of up to $7200 are awarded based on income. More information about the NC Opportunity Scholarship can be found at
The continuing enrollment fee holds a place for your student for the following school year and covers registration costs. The fee for the following academic year is incorporated into the monthly tuition payment. If you withdraw prior to February 28, the monthly payments made toward the tuition deposit will be credited to your account. For withdrawals subsequent to February 28, monthly payments already made will be forfeited.
- A non-refundable application fee of $50 per applicant is submitted at the time of online application.
- A non-refundable $500 enrollment fee is due upon submission of the enrollment packet to hold your seat for the upcoming school year.